Friday, 4 April 2008

Sadr's men of Iraq are just a gang of misogynists

On the behalf of the rest of good humanity Jonathon Steele and men alike keep suggesting that US withdrawal from Iraq would stop Sadr’s gang from attacking civilians and will lead to more stable country. OK let us take his scenario a bit further by letting Mr Steele know that Sadr’s gang are not driven by patriotic duty as he implicitly suggests but by the imposition of their religious believes as their graphity on the walls of Basra suggest declaring war on women using beauty products and do not wear hijab. Sadr’s men like religious Sunnis men are a blend of extreme misogynists and women haters who condemn first the beauty of women and worst than that if women demonstrate an equal intelligence and capacity to lead as men. So Mr Steele asking for US withdrawal may satisfy your left desires but will not solve the current mess in Iraq. So enlighten us with a more practical solution to a mess created by the necessity of ousting Saddam’s brutal regime.

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