Ali Eteraz writes in today’s Guardian on the treatment of Hindus in Pakistan. Read this humane account and how Muslims should behave. Link:
I must thank people like Ali Eteraz for been brave and courageous to expose these kind of daily inhumane practices in Pakistan and other Islamic states or countries with Muslims’ majority....Thank again Ali for such important exposure and thank for being so precise in categorising human's prejudice in Pakistan and other so-called Muslims' countries. This delusion of feeling superior to other religions is a plague and a social and religious defect which struck Islam by the most ignorant people "the mullahs" who continually brainwashing general public to feel superior to cover a deeply rooted inferiority complex. One can find that happening in Egypt presumably educated people influence by ignorant mullahs teaching children as young as 5-6 years old that Koran mentions how the Jews are related to pigs and apes, how black non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims and how Muslims must wash their hands if accidentally touched a Jew, Christian, Hindu..etc. One would find these practices in Somalia, Saudi Arabia and other Muslims' countires.
I lived it myself in Iraq when I was a child. As a young boy I used to have a very dear friend who as it happened be Christian. We got on very well and used to play together, my family never objected about him but the rest of society look down to Christians as lesser than Muslims.
We need more courageous and brave people who lived such horrible experiences in their own Muslims' country to expose such horrifying public perception of Muslims toward other people of different religion or creed.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Ali Eteraz writes about the treatment of Hidus in Pakistan
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Al & Albert
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