Thursday, 31 July 2008

Al Bashir president of Sudan and crimes against humanity

Asking for the head of Omar Al Bashir the president of Sudan by the international court of crimes against humanity is a model that requires extension to become the norm in global policies against genocides or ethnic cleansing, political and religious dictatorial regimes, and other systems of the similar calibre of brutality. The court should be given real judiciary and military power to arrest presidents, prime ministers…etc of oppressive regimes and giving them sentences that even range from few months to life sentences. This idea may sound a bit cynical for its suggestion to arrest head of states or members of states involved in oppressing or the killing of their own people, but the new 21st century realities demands the total elimination of dictatorial and brutal regimes hiding behind the concept of sovereignty. Mugabe is another example who should be sent to this court to be tried.

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