An Arab journalist, by the name Sawah Abu Saif, working for a German newspaper was detained and tortured by Hamas gangs claiming he is a spy for Fatah. This spying business is a disease plagued the Arab world for decades and has to be exposed.
Any Arab who may disagree or not committing himself to blind loyalty to an Arab tribe or a religious sect and dares to speak the truth about the inhumane treatment of others is normally accused of spying and espionage by whoever in power. Hamas or other radical Arab and Muslim group may detain westerners but surely will not torture them, but if the detained person is an Arab or an Arab by origin then he had it.
There is a similar parallel of mistreatment of Arabs or naturalised Arabs when visiting another arab country. When you get to passport control of an Arab country and the passport control officer learns from your name or by other means that you are an Arab then delays, demanding bribes, and threatening gestures is what you get. I lived such experience when visiting Egypt. In my first visit I pretended that I do not speak Arabic therefore was no delay but in my next visit I spoke Arabic then demand for bribes and delays was evident. A westerner will never be treated the same way.
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Sawah Abu Saif tortured by Hamas, why?
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Al & Albert
Al Bashir president of Sudan and crimes against humanity
Asking for the head of Omar Al Bashir the president of Sudan by the international court of crimes against humanity is a model that requires extension to become the norm in global policies against genocides or ethnic cleansing, political and religious dictatorial regimes, and other systems of the similar calibre of brutality. The court should be given real judiciary and military power to arrest presidents, prime ministers…etc of oppressive regimes and giving them sentences that even range from few months to life sentences. This idea may sound a bit cynical for its suggestion to arrest head of states or members of states involved in oppressing or the killing of their own people, but the new 21st century realities demands the total elimination of dictatorial and brutal regimes hiding behind the concept of sovereignty. Mugabe is another example who should be sent to this court to be tried.
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Al & Albert
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
Iraqi oil industry infrastructure
Iraq has decided to open up its oil industry’s infrastructure for renovation by outside companies; companies who develop United Arab Emirates from a desert into a country that can be one of the biggest financial centres in the Middle East and Asia and that was within 25 years.
This very courageous move is going to detach Iraq from the stupidity of Arabs nationalistic politics and the simplistic idea of foreign companies steals Iraqi oil wealth; let these companies steal the Iraq oil if that takes Iraq to where the United Arab Emirates has reached now.
Currently oil price is quite high and Iraq can benefit from that by exporting 6 millions barrel a day in the next 10 years. This is what Iraq needs.
Globalisation has a great impact on nations like Iraq where Gordon Brown’s recent proposal of countries like Iraq can invest into British renewable energy industries and Britain and other western nations can invest in developing better oil industry’s infrastructure. This is called innovation and not stealing, this is called 21st century business deals, this is called old colonial practices cannot be practised in 21st century, this called the best way forward for Iraq to disentangle itself from the rest of the Arab defective politics and develop independent of them.
Although I disagree with ideology of party leading the current Iraqi government, I endorse its proactive move to develop Iraq’s oil industry infrastructure and snubbing all Arab nationalism’s nonsensical voices and focus on how their ancestors the Babylonians build the Tower of Babylon and the infinite library of Babylon.
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Al & Albert
Iran accuses Ashtari of spying for Israel
Iran has taken another victim accused of spying for Israel. Ashtari is a businessman who is sentenced to death by one of those brutal revolutionary courts normally headed by a bloodthirsty Mullahs such as the early eighties judge called larijani whose victims’ blood still on his hands.
There is a pattern in all of this business of spying for foreign agencies or Israel where all dictatorships share. When dictatorships get cornered as in tightening economic sanctions on them or threat of bombing their nuclear facilities as in the Iranian case, they tend to display their strength and defiance by exhibiting extreme intimidating actions and victimisation of their own people; that sort of action is a good representation of cowardice and lack of courage to confront whoever involved in the sanctions or threat. The closest example I remember is the 1969-70 Saddam’s regime public hanging of ten innocent Iraqis accused of been Israeli agents despite the fact Saddam’s regime was just a couple of years in power and Israel had no idea what sort of regime it was? This sort of sick dynamics represents a good example of dictatorships’ projection of extreme fear, neuroticism and paranoia on their own people.
The way dictatorships do such thing [e.g. hanging of the innocents] can be fast and furious; in other words it happens like lynching where crowd of supporters display their anger in the streets of the capital or making the news of catching the spy public in a flash or by other immediate means. I can tell everyone that actions like that can be very intimidating and paralysing; one would freeze and submit to the will of the powerful of the brutal Revolutionary Guards for example.
Ashatari could be innocent victim of the Mullahs’ brutal regime or perhaps he was lured to some business dealings with Mullahs’ regime but watched to make some mistakes then caught and accused of being an Israeli spy.
By the way this business of Israeli spy is used by all dictatorial regimes in the Middle East.
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Al & Albert