Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Mubarak of Egypt leading democratic reforms!

In his visits to Middle East, Mr Bush is been openly critical of oppressive regimes in the region. People of the Middle East would openly support any open views that expose those dictatorships that have plagued these nations for decades. In the past the United States was not as open as it is now in criticising dictatorial regimes such as the one in Egypt. In the last couple of days Mubarad the ancient dictator of Egypt reacting with claims that democratic reforms are underway, what is amazing about dictators like Mubarak is that he claims leading democratic reforms in Egypt but the question one may ask is: why would a dictator like Mubarak spearheads democratic reforms? Is it because he would like to remove himself from his own throne? Or what?

We need the support of all nations around the world to put pressure to oust dictatorial and brutal regimes around the world in general and those medieval killers of the Middle East such as the one in Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Tunisia, Palestinian authority …etc.

If George Bush is sincere about his criticism of Middle Eastern dictatorships then we would like him to spearhead and encourage the international community to set effective pragmatic plans to free those nations or at least effectively help them to free themselves from the tight grip of brutal dictatorships and not to let those dictatorships hide behind what is called sovereignty.

Human rights and people freedom must the 21 century priority and all nations and pressure groups of the world have an obligation to free their brothers and sisters from the brutality of those killer dictatorships.

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