Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Transsexuals in Iran

The BBC TV programme on transsexuals in Iran sheds good light on social issues that young men have to deal with in oppressive societies such as the Iranian one. There were few interesting points made by participants:One of the programme’s participants declared that life is a lot easier for women than men in the current religious Iranian one. This particular statement was stressed by other young men who were going for a female sex change. One angle to all this is to suggest that a society led by mullahs who love and treat women of submissive behaviour better than men [this has been recently stressed by Ahemadinejad’s talks at Columbia university] can generate a social dynamic that places greater pressure on young men to either take a tiring macho role and ask not to be loved or go for sex change. Obviously this dynamic may lead to severe inadequacy and confusion for those young men and furthermore attempt to please through sex change.

Another participant said that “Seegha” [temporary marriage which can last from an hour to months or years] is becoming an easy option to earn good money. Because transsexuals cannot conceive then it is more convenient for older men to strike temporary legitimate sexual contracts with transsexuals rather than with females who may conceive and subsequently men have to take responsibility of any conceived children.

This is how the mullahs of Iran are legitimising a form of prostitution….Al

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

British manipulative game in Iraq

As a matter of guilt, the British now trying to compensate - by sending experts to collect and protect ancient Iraqi artefacts and places - for deserting the south of Iraq in the hand of religious group who is currently imposing by intimidation Sharia law. Labour government failed to stay in the south of Iraq to protect people from the mad man Moqtada Al Sadr because of the tremendous bullying of western left despite the fact that the British military man in charge of the south of Iraq and on a number of occasion reiterated the fact that it is too soon to withdraw troops from there.
Sending experts to protect ancient Iraq artefacts and places as a compensation for troops’ withdrawal is an old game usually played by parents to confuse children and subsequently control or quieten them. When I was child I remember been given an apple and banana to stay at home with my grandmother while the rest of my family heading to Turkey. The feeling was very confusing for a little child where I was happy with the apple and the banana and therefore have to stay with my grandmother but resentful for not joining the rest of the family for the nice trip to Turkey. The British plays the same game with Iraqis giving them attention for their ancient artefacts and places but leaving them in the hands of mad religious people.
In the long run, these manipulative games normally leave very deep resentment in the heart of a child or a nation…Al

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

The wrath of the Egyptian God “Al Fayed”

Few words on the Egyptian God’s culture, paranoia and his ambition:

Can the Egyptian God “Al Fayed” abuse authorities in the current blood sucking dictatorship of Egypt? The obvious answer is NO and if he does he would be put in prison for the rest of his life and all his possessions will be confiscated. So why he is abusing a reasonably just and democratic system where he lives in currently? The answer is: when a Middle Eastern acquires a powerful status whether it is the acquisition of money or political power then his dictatorial traits surface and he would start challenging anyone stands in his way.

The Egyptian God “Al Fayed” can be seen as an extension of the typical Middle East’s obsession with conspiracies which can give a clear way to see oneself as a victim and that is an integral element of culture of the region [i.e. victimhood]. So his current claim of an international plot that killed his son; he is using his son death as platform to defy a reasonably just legal system [that one of his ambitions] at the same time acting as a victim of this system [his paranoia].

One can predict The Egyptian God’s next step it would be to ally with even Al Qaeda to break a system that did not facilitate proving his son’s death conspiracy; he already draw some reasons for the conspiracy summarised by the fact that Britain cannot handle a marriage of a Muslim [his play boy son Dodi] to a royal princess; what a fantasy but then The Egyptian God is a great fantasist.

Beside his campaign to prove Britain's conspiracy against his son, why doesn’t' he campaign to stop the circumcision of the 95% of the women in Egypt?…Al

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Introducing democracy around the world

Tonight David Milliband the foreign secretary spelt it loud and clear suggesting that Britain must be at the forefront at promoting democracy around the world. He may be the first British official who dares to recognize that the rest of the world needs liberal democracies to intervene in the promotion and the introduction of democracy to those deadly Dark Age dictatorships around the world. Of course the western left is quite skeptical about this and will come up with all sort of conspiracy theories which may suggest that western liberal democracies are not interested in the spreading of democracy around the world but to create wars to benefit from as Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine where she promote her complex and intellectual but wouldn’t-care–less-about-the-rest-the-world-if-killed-by-dictatorships argument.

Yes, Britain had colonized the world and sucked it’s blood during 19th century, but that doesn’t mean any humane step by Britain toward introducing democracy replacing rotten dictatorial regimes around the world should be ruled out. Although western leftist intellectuals have a great input into the global dynamic but they need to be made aware of the necessaty of introducing democracies replacing those brutal dictatorships.

The question I would like to ask Mr Milliband is: if mistakes were made in Iraq then Britain should start fixing those mistakes and not just to talk about promoting Britains’ future role in introducing democracy around the world. Hey Milliband do something about my country Iraq and don’t let it slip into the hands of a religious dictatorship…Al

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Sayed Pervez Kambaksh & religious tradition treatment

Sayed Pervez Kambaksh –the Afghan student imprisoned for distributing women’s right literature in Afghanistan – telling us about his brutal experience in prison where threat of being killed exists coupled with the likelihood of been sexually abused to break him. Those experiences neither been admitted by young men nor imagined or acknowledged by westerners.

I can identify with Pervese through similar experience. During Saddam’s regime my brother and I were imprisoned for three months. In the first night we were put in a cell occupied by a young man with severe mental disorder who was not allowed to leave his cell so his urine and faeces were all over the cell. On that night we heard one guard telling the other about us and how they were instructed to break the spirit of the two young engineers by putting them in the same cell as the man with mental disorder. Few nights later we were transferred with other young educated prisoners where we all fed with poisoned food which left us with severe stomach pain.

In cultures dominated by rigid traditions or by religious or political dogma you find young spirits present the most dangerous and threatening elements to figures in authority, and if the opportunity arises then those culture allow men in power to break or even annihilate young spirits.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Iranian regime and public hanging

A week or so ago, one Iranian religious figure pretending to be the kind element of the brutal regime called for the suspension of public hanging. We all know that public execution has an immense impact on people and it is seen as the most intimidating tool brutal regimes can use to subdue a nation.

I remember the first public hanging of ten or so innocent people accused of spying and espionage after Saddam and his gang took power in 1968. The impact of that day was immense; fear seeped deep into every Iraqi soul. Those innocent people were hanged publicly and their bodies were left dangling for one day in the capital Baghdad “Al Tahrir Square”. Public hanging is the most powerful tool used to suppress any nation, it is brutal, it creates a mix of deep anxiety and intense curiosity in the event. I remember people from all around iraq left their work and their daily jobs and went to see the bodies in Al Tahrir Square….Al

Honour Killing - article from the Guardian

Here is an article and comments by the public regarding the barbarous killings of women in muslims' and arabs' countries in the name of honour:

Honour killings and female circumcision are two issues that need to be addressed by the international community. It is known for example that 95% of Egyptian women are circumcised against their will. These practices must be stopped regardless of their origin whether it is religious or cultural…Al


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